Correa, Felipe Alves

Felipe Alves Correa

I have been running since 2016. I got hooked in long distance running after my debut running a half marathon. I have not been racing lately but I keep my running routine continuously. I am also a swimmer and I am excited to get a 5k open water competition in once events start again.
I grew up in a cow-calf operation and advocating for agriculture is something I take seriously. I remember when I first ran NYC marathon, in the middle of the 50,000+ runners I saw a guy wearing a Team Beef Idaho t-shirt. That was my first contact with Team Beef but at that moment I thought how cool was that. At the same time seeing that jersey brought me the warm feeling of being home in the middle of 50,000 strangers and a massive city. Since then I always wanted to apply but I have been moving states a lot and that plan was set aside. I have decided to apply now since I will be in Florida for at least a couple more years.